Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Transferred and feeling good!

It has been 4 days that we have been in Belgium. It has been a fantastic experience. My IPs are fabulous and have shown us an unimaginable time. I am actually quite humbled by the many kind gestures.
On Saturday while Frank and I were navigating from the airport to the hotel, my IM was having her retrieval. They were able to get 10 eggs! I was very happy to hear the report and know that we were on track for a 3day transfer. Yesterday was the big day. We had visited the clinic a couple days before for some blood work so I had at least seen the facility before the transfer. Things were so very different from the U.S. Instead of this being just a clinic, this was an actual hospital. There was of course, the fertility wing which is where we would be having our procedure done. Upon arriving the morning of the transfer I had to have more bloodwork done. It seems Belgium is very strict on testing and things of that nature. I think you can never be too careful, so why not? They are very regulated there because healthcare is basically ran by the government in that country. I also had to speak with the psychologist and was told it was just a formality. The psychologist was very nice and informed me that the clinic does NOT do surrogacy. It seems I was their first. She stated they may have done others, but not knowingly. I think it is a pretty awesome honor to be the first known surrogate at that clinic. Everyone was so very nice there. I was amazed at how everyone speaks English with no problem. You can basically choose what language you want a person to speak to you there. One difference I noticed right away was that very few of the staff wear "scrubs" or formal uniforms. Everyone was wearing jeans and dressed very casual. It was funny to see that for some reason. Also, one of the gentlemen had marlboros just hanging out of his pocket. It was so interesting the differences between the U.S. and this clinic in Belgium. Once Frank and I were done speaking with the psychologist, Ips and I were required to sign paperwork that really did not at all pertain to surrogacy but it was basically all they had. It was initially created for egg donors and recipients. So, we crossed through and made changes and signed. Finally, it was time for the transfer. I was told to go into a hospital room where there were two hospital beds and take all clothes off and put on a hospital gown and a hat to cover my hair. It seemed so over the top compared to the typical US protocal. When they came to take me back I was surprised to enter what I would call a holding room where there were 2 other women waiting to go back for their transfers. They would wheel out one and wheel in another. I was shocked at how many transfers this clinic must actually perform in one day. Once in the "holding room" my husband and IM had to put on their scrubs over their clothing. Hubby looked quite adorable I must say! I was wheeled back to the OR where we were told we had 2 excellent, 8-celled embryos to transfer. 2 would be frozen for IPs' later use. We watched the Dr. place the little embryos into my uterus by ultrasound. We were not shown or given pictures of the embryos as that is not done in this clinic in Belgium. Before leaving the OR I heard the assistant say "pull up your pants...sir your pants." LOL! My hubby had let his scrub pants fall to the floor and didn't realize because he was so involved in comforting me. It was so funny and so cute. He is such an amazing support to me. I am very blessed. Once leaving the OR I was rolled back in the holding room before being moved by rolling hospital bed to the room I started in. I was told to lay there for one hour with legs elevated before being able to leave. IPs went and got us sandwiches and we ate before heading back to the hotel room to take it easy for a day or so. I sit here in awe of the experience I have been a part of. I am blessed and feel full of knowledge that I hope to share with others who may go through something similar for the first time. This whole journey has been a learning experience for me. It has been wonderful and eye opening and I feel I am better person because of it. I am happy to leave Belgium with amazing memories, greater knowledge and hopefully a baby croissant in the oven for my IPs!

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed following your trip. You, Frank, your IPs, and "baby" are in my prayers!!! Just know you are an amazing woman!!! ~~~~Helen
