Thursday, May 5, 2011

Transfer Date is approaching!

Well, less than 24 hours and hubby and I will be heading to Belgium! I had a lining check today and was told my lining was a 10.5! Perfect! It should increase a little more between now and our finally OFFICIAL transfer date of May 10. I am so excited to at last have a date and SO excited to have this opportunity. I must admit nerves are coming into play but I know once we are on the plane I will be fine. I feel really good about the transfer itself. I am taking a break from running around like a mad woman to get all the things done that need to be done when you are leaving three children behind to go an international trip, in order to update you all. To all those IPs out there, I think it would be really helpful if you are considering this to make sure you give your surrogate as much time to plan as possible. Communication is very important. It seems European clinics do things much differently than U.S. clinics in that the dates and orders are given at a moment's notice. I was told yesterday to go in today for an u/s. For a mom and nanny, that is pretty last minute. However, as a surrogate I know that it is all part of the journey. Nothing ever goes as planned and if you are even thinking of being a surrogate...FLEXIBILITY is key. Rolling with the punches has been the name of the game but in the end, it will all be well worth it. The anxiety comes from wanting to have everything done on time and RIGHT on my end. I put my whole heart into my surrogacy but at the same time, I try keeping the balance between being a good surrogate and good mother. Mother's day is coming. I will be away from my children and that is difficult but it is all in the name of helping another woman become a mother once more. That is what surrogacy is all about and what a great lesson for my children! I hope to have internet access while I am in Belgium because I would love to update each day! (((HUGS))) to all! Keep us in your prayers and thoughts for SAFE and happy travels and an embie(s) that STAY PUT!

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