Thursday, April 7, 2011

Only the beginning of a long every sense of the word.

So, here I go again. This is my 4th surrogacy journey. Some say I am crazy, some say I am a saint. I say, a little of both! I love surrogacy. It is a passion I can't seem to forgo. I love helping couples, I love carrying children. I love each and every journey so far, all for different reasons.

This current journey will be a different one. The major difference? I will be going all the way to Belgium to undergo the transfer. Again, people call me crazy...I like to say adventurous! My agency, Agency for Solutions, talked to me about this and I immediately thought, wow, what an opportunity! I have never traveled further than the Caribbean and a trip to Belgium would be amazing! However, that could not be the only factor in considering this journey... there is way more to surrogacy than a great trip! So, the kicker was my former intended mother who is an attorney would be representing this couple AND we had met them in the NICU when I was delivering the twins from my last journey. You see, this couple had delivered a child extremely early and almost lost him. Thus the reason they had to have a surrogate if they wanted to grow their family. Another great bonus? Her OB was MY OB while I was carrying the twins and he was AMAZING. This seemed like a no-brainer! I couldn't wait to get this thing up and running!

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