Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cycling strong and flying far!

So, meds have started. I am loopy on lupron, emotional on estrogen and just waiting for the next crazy monitoring appointment. Not really, I actually handle meds quite well and look forward to this part of the journey because it means the journey is actually MOVING! Speaking of moving, I got word as of yesterday that my hubby and I will be off to Belgium, Brussels on May 5th! I can't believe it! Less than 3 weeks and we are traveling abroad. I am nervous to be away from my kids for so long and of course to be so far away but I know they are in good hands with sitters and family. I will say this journey has been a bit more stressful but I am certain it will all be worth it. Tomorrow morning I head to the monitoring clinic with a one year old and an 8 week old, both children I babysit. I am thankful I have an amazing daughter that I homeschool to help me out! So, next update will probably be in reference to the culture shock I feel being in Brussels! Until then, it is happy cycling for me!

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