Wednesday, April 27, 2011

We have lift off...

Well not really lift off yet but a date and time that hubby and I will be on a plane headed to Belgium. I am so excited to bring this little baby, that I know I will be carrying, to his/her mommy and daddy and this is just a step in that direction. I am honored and humbled to have been chosen as a surrogate once more. I am just so excited and had to come fill you guys in on the update. My IM (intended mother) has started her injections so it seems we are ON OUR WAY to transfer and a BABY or BABIES! I will, of course, update as things change.

Let's get this show on the road or should I say in the AIR!

So, here I sit, 1 week and 2 days from when I am supposed to go to Belgium...I THINK. I was under the impression that dates were nailed down as far as us being there but now, not so much. My intended mother would prefer to wait until she starts medication and beyond to schedule flights and book rooms. How do I plan? I decided to plan around the window agreed upon by my agency, the clinic and myself. I had done that last week some time but then, to hear that things could change again was well, nerve wracking so I decided to keep things as they are. I mean, in reality, I don't have a choice. Hubby took time off work...I took time off work. My family took time off work and planned their days around this window of time so we are leaving all plans as they are. At this point, whether I am in Belgium for 3 days or 11 days, the plans and arrangements will stay the same. I guess hubby and I could just go MIA if we aren't needed the entire 11 days. I am sure we can find some things to keep us busy somewhere! I did have the clinic from Belgium call and up my estrace to 4mg per day so that is a sign that things are progressing.
Other than that, I am clueless. I guess the time difference, culture difference and language barrier are all playing a role in the lack of communication by the clinic and my intended mother. These are all things any surrogate or intended parents contemplating an international surrogacy should consider. It can be a strain on everyone and had I not done 3 surrogacies prior to this journey, I may would feel slighted. I know that no one is doing anything on purpose or to be inconsiderate, it is just the differences coming out in us all. I have decided to roll with the punches. I signed up for this and I am certain that if I give it my best and be as understanding as possible, this will turn out just beautifully for all involved. In the end, I will be a more understanding and accepting and let's not forget patient person!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cycling strong and flying far!

So, meds have started. I am loopy on lupron, emotional on estrogen and just waiting for the next crazy monitoring appointment. Not really, I actually handle meds quite well and look forward to this part of the journey because it means the journey is actually MOVING! Speaking of moving, I got word as of yesterday that my hubby and I will be off to Belgium, Brussels on May 5th! I can't believe it! Less than 3 weeks and we are traveling abroad. I am nervous to be away from my kids for so long and of course to be so far away but I know they are in good hands with sitters and family. I will say this journey has been a bit more stressful but I am certain it will all be worth it. Tomorrow morning I head to the monitoring clinic with a one year old and an 8 week old, both children I babysit. I am thankful I have an amazing daughter that I homeschool to help me out! So, next update will probably be in reference to the culture shock I feel being in Brussels! Until then, it is happy cycling for me!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Only the beginning of a long every sense of the word.

So, here I go again. This is my 4th surrogacy journey. Some say I am crazy, some say I am a saint. I say, a little of both! I love surrogacy. It is a passion I can't seem to forgo. I love helping couples, I love carrying children. I love each and every journey so far, all for different reasons.

This current journey will be a different one. The major difference? I will be going all the way to Belgium to undergo the transfer. Again, people call me crazy...I like to say adventurous! My agency, Agency for Solutions, talked to me about this and I immediately thought, wow, what an opportunity! I have never traveled further than the Caribbean and a trip to Belgium would be amazing! However, that could not be the only factor in considering this journey... there is way more to surrogacy than a great trip! So, the kicker was my former intended mother who is an attorney would be representing this couple AND we had met them in the NICU when I was delivering the twins from my last journey. You see, this couple had delivered a child extremely early and almost lost him. Thus the reason they had to have a surrogate if they wanted to grow their family. Another great bonus? Her OB was MY OB while I was carrying the twins and he was AMAZING. This seemed like a no-brainer! I couldn't wait to get this thing up and running!