Wednesday, March 7, 2012


My sweet surrogate baby was born via c-section on February 25th. I was 38 weeks and he was 7lbs. 4oz. 19" long and apgars of 8 and 9. I am so proud and so blessed. My intended parents are happy to have a healthy full term baby. They have asked me to carry for them again but I am thinking I am going to find another couple that is desperate to have a child. It will be just one more family I can help. I have to follow my heart and talk to my family more but I am pretty sure that is where my heart is leading me. My OB in CA said he saw no problem with me carrying again as long as my antibodies return to normal and he seems to think they will. I stayed in CA for a week after delivery and then flew home. I am SO happy to be back in NC and there is NO PLACE LIKE HOME! I feel pretty good. My emotions seem pretty in control minus some weepy moments. I am just blessed and I can't say enough how thankful I am for my amazing family and Agency for Surrogacy Solutions, Inc. for being there for me through this journey! Until next time!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

THREE days to go!!

Oh my gracious, I can't believe it. I have three days left to carry this little guy. My OB scheduled me last week at my 37 week appointment for a c-section this coming Saturday. I am so excited for this little one to meet his mommy, daddy and big brother and to have my family all together again. It has been 3 weeks since we have all been together. My hubby did come down last weekend and that was SO nice of my IPs especially considering we had agreed if the c-section was scheduled for this week, Franklin would just not get on the plane. However my IM knew how much it meant to Connor and I to see Frank so she flew him out anyway. I was and am very THANKFUL for that. I was so nervous when Frank got on the plane Sunday night that I would go into labor some time this week and he would not be here. Now that it is Wednesday and he and my oldest two babies will be here Friday night, I feel confident I can make it until Saturday morning as planned. I am trying to take it easy and my little Connor even made me breakfast in bed this morning :) He has been an absolute doll these 4 weeks. I don't know what I would have done without him.

I have learned that surrogacy almost always gets a little "tense" in the end. I think emotions run high for everyone and everyone has a different focus so it just makes things seem a little strange. For me, my focus has been bringing this baby into the world happy and healthy. I think my IPs are still focused on their 2 year old and just the logistics of everything and WORRYING...not realizing their healthy, full term baby boy will be here in 3 days!!!!!!! The constant requests to take it easy and worrying if the baby comes prior to the c-section is enough to stress a girl out. I was HAPPY when I made it to full term status and felt any day longer that I kept this baby baking was a bonus! It sometimes felt like nothing would be good enough. I keep asking my IM are you excited? She keeps saying she is worried. I understand from her history why she would be, but I REALLY want to see and here joy and excitement in her voice when she thinks about this baby that I have worked so hard to carry for her. I know on the day he arrives she will not be able to contain her joy and I think I am looking forward to that along with my family being together as much as I have looked forward to anything in a long time. 58 hours until my the rest of my family arrives and I can hold them in my arms. Approximately 72 hours until we meet this little guy that has been rolling around in my tummy for the past 38 weeks! I PROMISE I will update once this baby arrives. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

California Dreamin'

So, here I sit, 35 weeks pregnant on Ocean Ave. in Santa Monica, CA. Talk about a change in plans! My IM called me last Wednesday night and asked me if I could come to CA for delivery because her little boy was going to need surgery. I talked it over with Frank and the kids and we decided to make it happen. My littlest one, Connor, and I along with my husband hopped on a plane Saturday(3 days later) and headed to LAX. Upon arriving, we were picked up by my great IPs and then headed to lunch. After lunch we went to the apartment we were going to be staying in. Unfortunately, it is not what my IM or I expected so we just stayed one night and then moved to the building that my IPs are in. It is much nicer and I feel much more secure and safe here. The other building wasn't unsafe...I think it is just what seems more familiar. So, today I got to go to my OB (the same one that delivered the twins I carried 2 years ago) and I LOVE HIM. I was SOOOO happy to see him. He did the u/s on the baby and said, wow, this is going to be a big boy... He is already estimated at 6.5 lbs!!!!!! YEP, 4 weeks to go and he weighs as much as a lot of babies do when they are born. I knew he felt big! :) Anyway, Franklin had to leave on Sunday the very next day after getting me here all safe and sound. I have missed him these 5 days. He and my other two children are on a plane on their way here right now just for the weekend. It will be a whirlwind trip but I am SO thankful that I get to see them. My IPs are so sweet and offered to send all of us to Universal Studios tomorrow. It should be a great time! I am excited and really no matter what we did, I would be happy as long as we are together. I am hoping to update every week now since that is how often I am going to the OB. So, until next week! :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Almost There...

I am almost 33 weeks pregnant. I can't believe how fast time is STILL flying. I am so very busy and I am guessing that is why. I have really enjoyed my pregnancy. It has been much easier than the twins...I can still sleep at night. I don't have the achey legs I had with the twin pregnancy either. I am guessing only 5-6 weeks to go...IF I make it to 39 weeks then my c-section will be scheduled for 39 weeks. It is hard to believe that even if I make it to that time, it is only 6 weeks and a few days away! This little boy moves quite a bit and I can tell he is VERY strong. In the beginning of the pregnancy my placenta was in the front so it cushioned a lot of his movements but that is not the case any longer. I crave strange things from time to time such as orange juice every night with ice and pop tarts with NO frosting have become a staple in my home. I got a call from the baby's mom and she said they are coming to North Carolina the first of February. I am surprised they will be here so soon...I am due to stop keeping the little boy I babysit around the first week of February and at that point, time will probably start slowing down BUT, I have been very busy with the agency and I LOVE my job...It has been so much fun and such a blessing. I am now looking forward to the cruise we are scheduled to take the first week in April...LORD, I just pray my body will be somewhat presentable and I will be feeling good after the c-section. We will see. Worst case, I take it easy and lounge on a lounge chair all week...poor me. I hope to update again very soon. Although, we all know I am not so great at updating.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Half way there!!!

So, we are half way there! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is FLYING by! I did go for my "big u/s" which is the anatomy scan and all was well. Sadly, my intended parents were not able to make it. I did get a dvd for them and they are hoping to come up some time in November. It will be nice to see them and I am sure it will help them feel how real it is that their precious baby boy will be here in around 18 weeks or so. My amazing husband did go with me to my u/s appointment so it was nice to have someone to share it with. Little baby is growing just perfectly and was moving around and looking so adorable. I am so excited for his parents and family. I can't wait to meet him! I am hoping to make a video of my next OB appointment. That will be the 28th of this month. Until then, thanks for reading! :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We Have Movement

So, I was laying down last night in bed watching HGTV when all of a sudden, I feel little kicks. FINALLY! I am feeling this sweet little guy move. I can tell already that he has the sweetest disposition... I know that sounds weird but I just feel it. I am so honored to be carrying him and can't wait for his mommy and daddy to see him on the ultrasound screen. They will be coming up from Lebanon for the big u/s in a week and a half. I am anxious and so happy for them! I will update more when I can! Thanks for following :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

16 weeks TODAY!

Wow! Time is FLYING! First, I found out that I am carrying a precious baby boy! Yep, my IPs will have a baby brother for their son! That should be lots of fun. I was possibly going to be delivering in CA but the chances of that needing to happen are looking less and less which I am pretty happy about. I would LOVE to go see my former IPs and adorable surro-twins but it is appearing that there is just no need for the move or added stress to me and my family. Of course, the option is there if needed but I am happy at the thought of being home and having a nice scheduled delivery. I go for my second OB appointment this coming Monday. I will have a quad screening done. Hopefully that will all come back OK and if so I will not have to get the amnio that is scheduled for the 30th. On the 17th I am scheduled for our big anatomy ultrasound. My IPs are going to try to be in town for that and I am super excited! So, that is it for now. I am working hard and loving life. My family and I just moved into our brand new home. It is our first home as well and we are so thankful and excited! We are very, very blessed! I will update more soon!