Friday, February 3, 2012

California Dreamin'

So, here I sit, 35 weeks pregnant on Ocean Ave. in Santa Monica, CA. Talk about a change in plans! My IM called me last Wednesday night and asked me if I could come to CA for delivery because her little boy was going to need surgery. I talked it over with Frank and the kids and we decided to make it happen. My littlest one, Connor, and I along with my husband hopped on a plane Saturday(3 days later) and headed to LAX. Upon arriving, we were picked up by my great IPs and then headed to lunch. After lunch we went to the apartment we were going to be staying in. Unfortunately, it is not what my IM or I expected so we just stayed one night and then moved to the building that my IPs are in. It is much nicer and I feel much more secure and safe here. The other building wasn't unsafe...I think it is just what seems more familiar. So, today I got to go to my OB (the same one that delivered the twins I carried 2 years ago) and I LOVE HIM. I was SOOOO happy to see him. He did the u/s on the baby and said, wow, this is going to be a big boy... He is already estimated at 6.5 lbs!!!!!! YEP, 4 weeks to go and he weighs as much as a lot of babies do when they are born. I knew he felt big! :) Anyway, Franklin had to leave on Sunday the very next day after getting me here all safe and sound. I have missed him these 5 days. He and my other two children are on a plane on their way here right now just for the weekend. It will be a whirlwind trip but I am SO thankful that I get to see them. My IPs are so sweet and offered to send all of us to Universal Studios tomorrow. It should be a great time! I am excited and really no matter what we did, I would be happy as long as we are together. I am hoping to update every week now since that is how often I am going to the OB. So, until next week! :)

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