Wednesday, March 7, 2012


My sweet surrogate baby was born via c-section on February 25th. I was 38 weeks and he was 7lbs. 4oz. 19" long and apgars of 8 and 9. I am so proud and so blessed. My intended parents are happy to have a healthy full term baby. They have asked me to carry for them again but I am thinking I am going to find another couple that is desperate to have a child. It will be just one more family I can help. I have to follow my heart and talk to my family more but I am pretty sure that is where my heart is leading me. My OB in CA said he saw no problem with me carrying again as long as my antibodies return to normal and he seems to think they will. I stayed in CA for a week after delivery and then flew home. I am SO happy to be back in NC and there is NO PLACE LIKE HOME! I feel pretty good. My emotions seem pretty in control minus some weepy moments. I am just blessed and I can't say enough how thankful I am for my amazing family and Agency for Surrogacy Solutions, Inc. for being there for me through this journey! Until next time!

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