Thursday, October 20, 2011

Half way there!!!

So, we are half way there! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is FLYING by! I did go for my "big u/s" which is the anatomy scan and all was well. Sadly, my intended parents were not able to make it. I did get a dvd for them and they are hoping to come up some time in November. It will be nice to see them and I am sure it will help them feel how real it is that their precious baby boy will be here in around 18 weeks or so. My amazing husband did go with me to my u/s appointment so it was nice to have someone to share it with. Little baby is growing just perfectly and was moving around and looking so adorable. I am so excited for his parents and family. I can't wait to meet him! I am hoping to make a video of my next OB appointment. That will be the 28th of this month. Until then, thanks for reading! :)

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