Tuesday, June 28, 2011

BFP! I can't believe it!

Ok, so traveling by far makes the wait between transfer and beta more tolerable. However, of course I am a pee stick-aholic and yes, I had to buy home pregnancy tests. So, I transferred on Wednesday. I waited allll the way until Saturday night to test. I was FULLY expecting a negative result. It was, after all, only 3.5 days past a 5 day FROZEN transfer. In the past with my second surro baby, who was also a beautiful totcicle at one time, I didn't get a positive until close to 10 days past the transfer. Needless to say, I felt one week from transfer day would be the EARLIEST I would see a BFP (big fat positive for those who don't know). So, I tested Saturday night on dollar test and a FRER and an Answer and got BFPs (surro eyes and those who are in a surro's family eyes only) but BFPs none the less. I still did NOT believe it. I waited til morning and peed again, yep sure enough BFPs that all could see. I am PREGNANT. J and T are pregnant. B will have a sibling or two! I am so excited. I go for my beta on Wednesday. I will update then. Until then, please keep me and little bean(s) in your prayers.

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