Tuesday, June 28, 2011

BFP! I can't believe it!

Ok, so traveling by far makes the wait between transfer and beta more tolerable. However, of course I am a pee stick-aholic and yes, I had to buy home pregnancy tests. So, I transferred on Wednesday. I waited allll the way until Saturday night to test. I was FULLY expecting a negative result. It was, after all, only 3.5 days past a 5 day FROZEN transfer. In the past with my second surro baby, who was also a beautiful totcicle at one time, I didn't get a positive until close to 10 days past the transfer. Needless to say, I felt one week from transfer day would be the EARLIEST I would see a BFP (big fat positive for those who don't know). So, I tested Saturday night on dollar test and a FRER and an Answer and got BFPs (surro eyes and those who are in a surro's family eyes only) but BFPs none the less. I still did NOT believe it. I waited til morning and peed again, yep sure enough BFPs that all could see. I am PREGNANT. J and T are pregnant. B will have a sibling or two! I am so excited. I go for my beta on Wednesday. I will update then. Until then, please keep me and little bean(s) in your prayers.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

2 little frosties on board

So, I am here in Belgium in bed. I am praying these two little thawed 5 day embies (now 6 day) are getting snuggled in. My future SIL and I arrived in Belgium yesterday and the transfer was at 2pm. Upon arriving at the clinic, I was given my instructions and told to go into a room. I went in the room and waited. Noone told me to strip down and get into my hospital gown. However, once the two nurses came into my room and said "why aren't you undressed? the dr. is waiting for you!" I realized, I should have already been in my transfer attire. I told them I would put it on immediately and rather than them kindly leave the room while I stripped down, they just stood there, chatting in whatever language they were speaking. I felt a little awkward but knew to take it all with a grain of salt and Jenn kindly helped shield me while I attempted to put my hospital gown on modestly. I crawled into the bed and my IM came in and said, " you gave her the valium?" Of course not. They knew nothing about it and made a stink about why I needed it. I informed them very nicely that I did not NEED it. I preferred it as that is what we had done in the past on my SUCCESSFUL transfers and would like to keep everything as similar to the successful cycles as possible. My IM agreed with that and wanted the same. So, they gave me the valium and I had to wait another 30min. for the transfer but at least I was nice and relaxed. My stress level is higher there because the nurses did NOT go out o their way to make you feel comfortable or even human for that matter. I will say I like the Dr. While very quiet, he has such a kind face and makes me feel very at ease. There was also a very nice woman Dr. that seemed so "concerned" with our situation. She spoke for a while with my IM and just kept smiling the sweetest smile at me. I later learned she did the egg retrieval for my IM last time.
Once the transfer was done I was wheeled back to the room on my bed and told to rest for an hour. I fell asleep for 2! I woke up and felt so very bad that my poor IM and Jenn had to sit there for that long but they say they didn't mind. We left the clinic and I came to my room where I have been lying down. I slept all day yesterday and have just been resting all day today. I am enjoying the rest because this trip took a lot out of me. My husband didn't join me this time and I miss him so very much which makes me thankful that we are leaving tomorrow. HOPEFULLY, this time I am going to be PREGNANT!!! We will see....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Back to Belgium for FROZENS

So, I am headed back to Belgium next Tuesday. I am not sure who will be accompanying me on this trip. Sadly, it is looking like hubby can't make it. I am excited though, that my future sister in law may be coming. We will see. I also found out they are growing the embies to 5 day! YAY! So, we will have 5 dayers to transfer hopefully and I LOVE 5 dayers. Anyway, I will update more when I get to Belgium, I will have lots of time while on my 48 hour bedrest. ;-)