Monday, January 16, 2012

Almost There...

I am almost 33 weeks pregnant. I can't believe how fast time is STILL flying. I am so very busy and I am guessing that is why. I have really enjoyed my pregnancy. It has been much easier than the twins...I can still sleep at night. I don't have the achey legs I had with the twin pregnancy either. I am guessing only 5-6 weeks to go...IF I make it to 39 weeks then my c-section will be scheduled for 39 weeks. It is hard to believe that even if I make it to that time, it is only 6 weeks and a few days away! This little boy moves quite a bit and I can tell he is VERY strong. In the beginning of the pregnancy my placenta was in the front so it cushioned a lot of his movements but that is not the case any longer. I crave strange things from time to time such as orange juice every night with ice and pop tarts with NO frosting have become a staple in my home. I got a call from the baby's mom and she said they are coming to North Carolina the first of February. I am surprised they will be here so soon...I am due to stop keeping the little boy I babysit around the first week of February and at that point, time will probably start slowing down BUT, I have been very busy with the agency and I LOVE my job...It has been so much fun and such a blessing. I am now looking forward to the cruise we are scheduled to take the first week in April...LORD, I just pray my body will be somewhat presentable and I will be feeling good after the c-section. We will see. Worst case, I take it easy and lounge on a lounge chair all week...poor me. I hope to update again very soon. Although, we all know I am not so great at updating.