Friday, September 23, 2011

16 weeks TODAY!

Wow! Time is FLYING! First, I found out that I am carrying a precious baby boy! Yep, my IPs will have a baby brother for their son! That should be lots of fun. I was possibly going to be delivering in CA but the chances of that needing to happen are looking less and less which I am pretty happy about. I would LOVE to go see my former IPs and adorable surro-twins but it is appearing that there is just no need for the move or added stress to me and my family. Of course, the option is there if needed but I am happy at the thought of being home and having a nice scheduled delivery. I go for my second OB appointment this coming Monday. I will have a quad screening done. Hopefully that will all come back OK and if so I will not have to get the amnio that is scheduled for the 30th. On the 17th I am scheduled for our big anatomy ultrasound. My IPs are going to try to be in town for that and I am super excited! So, that is it for now. I am working hard and loving life. My family and I just moved into our brand new home. It is our first home as well and we are so thankful and excited! We are very, very blessed! I will update more soon!