Friday, August 12, 2011

10 weeks pregnant...where does the time go?

So, I lied. I said I wouldn't keep you all hanging and here it is weeks later. I am so very sorry. I am pregnant with one little bean! Can you believe it? ONE!? I am usually the girl with the low HCG levels and all of a sudden I have numbers that are through the roof. They aren't lying when they say every pregnancy is different. I am still taking my medications and was hoping that the clinic in Belgium would give me a call today to say I could stop them soon. Instead, they tell me I have to continue for roughly 6 (yes I said 6) more weeks! CRAZY if you ask me. The meds make me feel so tired and just all around yucky because I am taking so much and I was praying that there would be a very near end in sight. Not so much. :( Anyway, I signed up for this so no more complaining :) I am blessed to have this opportunity. My OB appointment is the 29th of August and I will have another u/s at that time. My clothes are getting snug and I am holding out as long as possible to wear maternity clothes. All the clothes I have from my last surrogacy are winter...not doing me much good now in the triple digit heat wave we are having. I will update you guys more soon. I am not promising a time lol, because we all know I lose track of time these days! Until next time...